Take your Lifestyle to the NEXT level

Learn to PLAY again

Rediscover your Power to create Purpose

Welcome to breathPLAY™ and the PURPOSE

What’s inside COUNTS

breathPLAY™ class


breathPLAY™ membership

69.00/month cancel anytime

breathPLAY™ + mastermind


cancel anytime

MEET breathPLAY™ and the PURPOSE

  • Improve performance

  • Untangle the stories you tell yourself on a daily basis which no longer serve you

  • Release stuck trauma patterns

  • Improve cognitive function

  • Show up more powerfully in your relationships, business, body and spiritual life

  • Better sex

  • Better skin

  • Experience more JOY

  • Stop lying to yourself and others

  • Get closer to GOD

  • Improve creativity


  • Relieve anxiety, depression & PTSD

  • Overcome addiction

  • Positively impact your health

  • Improve mood

  • Facilitate the resolution of trauma

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Spiritual connection

  • Encourage altered states of consciousness

  • Increase stamina and endurance

  • Support optimal blood flow

  • Lower your blood pressure

  • Stimulation of nervous system tissue


So start breathing ;)

Ever question why your life just isn’t going the way it should? Why you are not in the relationships you want? Why you are not creating the money you want?

Think what your life could look like!

More energy? More creative? Faster recovery from feeling overwhelmed? Better sex?

Where are you, right now? Who would you have to become to have what you want?

What do you even want?

We spend countless hours moving through life not knowing what more energy or better sex can mean. Sedating through distractions- food, tv, more dates, endless procrastination always more and more work which never seems to get us closer to our goals.

Are you tired of that?

Well, if you are meet


and the


What the heck IS breathPLAY™ and the PURPOSE?

Pulse (Verb): Throb rhythmically, or pulsate

breath (Noun): Life vitality, respiration, especially as necessary to life, the ability to breathe easily and normally, pause or respite.

PLAY (Verb): to exercise or employ oneself in diversion, amusement, or recreation, to approach with a sense of joy & curiosity.

What if there was a way to empower yourself to break down barriers, free yourself from emotional blocks, enhance performance, potentially improve your health and well being, sleep better, be more connected to the moment, and have a better love life?

duh, THERE IS!

You, can open a portal into the most exciting world ever created.


People tend to call it BREATHWORK, but we believe and look at it in the context of


We believe it sets us up for the most interesting experience simply because we approach the subject and the activity as an adventure, a chance to be curious, and to see what unfolds. What if we hold it in the context of “that’s interesting, I wonder why?” That is our whole context for life. So let us from here on out change it to.


It also looks cool for marketing, (haha)


Combing ancient breath practice, with somatic work, movement and sound. You become immersed in an experience designed directly to improve your ability to feel and to unlock the inherent joy in each moment.

At every moment of our life we have an opportunity to

choose joy...”


Joy in each moment?

Wait, is this some of that over the top positivity?

No. If you pay attention, this maybe a far out concept for many to process, if you pay close attention you can notice there is a part of you always there and steady no matter what is happening, a part that knows, and it also kind of finds a little bit of fun in whatever we are experiencing because we are alive. Life is a gift whether you like it our not and it’s never guaranteed. So why not PLAY ?

If you brought a bit more of that to your job, relationship or life. What would that look like?

Each 90 minutes session contains techniques designed to free deeply stuck energy in the body and mind. We work from this premise.

Your entire system (you) works as a unit. If a part goes out of whack. It effects how you show up in the world. The body effects the mind, affects the affects the spirit. Vice versa. You can probably begin to see how this effects your day to day activities.

Ever notice when you have a simple stomach ache it can make every thing 10x harder.

When you are sad, "Oh my god just let me stay in bed and watch reruns of 'man with a Camera'.”

Notice when your are really happy every task seems to just unfold? Umm. Maybe that is just me? What if you could learn to stay moving no matter what you felt?

Without going on a 43 and 1/3 page diatribe. Let’s stay simple. Disharmony in our emotions and the gaps between what we want and how we show up can greatly effect the outcome of any situation. Our inability to feel and put preference over certain feelings over others and hide and bare certain ones can completely destroy a life. Bold statement, but...

“Most of us including me have spent great portions of our lives sedating. Whether it be through food, tv, sex, constantly working, self help, scrolling endlessly through twitter, Instagram, only fans... We have all done it to try and escape. To try and feel better.”

What if “feel better” didn't mean to actually feel better? Meaning- get over what you are feeling and be happy. What if it meant to actually be okay with and feel better whatever was occurring? In one of the crazy paradoxes of life, without trying, but by paying attention and not running from a feeling it allows it to pass through us, for us to see that that isn't even us and it is temporary. It only stays in place because of the stories we tell, the context for the content of our lives.

When you reconnect and create a free flow of energy (emotion). It opens the doorway to the greatest potential and possibility for you to open the doorway to the

divine spark and PULSE of life you are



can help you unlock the power and the purpose again to stop sedating. It did for me. That is why I created it.


umm, if you didn’t you would be dead..

That may seem obvious, but we all forget it. Yes, physically you would be dead, but I wager even though you are still “breathing” you are still pretty much dead until you learn to tap back into the power of your breath.

Here are a few other reasons

  • It’s simple, it’s fun, it’s empowering. You can do it anywhere and p.s. without it you are dead.

  • The most powerful and most important component of you. You can go a few days without water, you can go many, many days without food, but try going more than a few moments without taking a nice deep inhale. Sadly, we in general take our breath for granted. We just do it day in and day out. It’s turned into your old girlfriend or boyfriend and well, you know how that goes. It started off deeply passionate and connected and now…

  • It’s the greatest possible gift you have ever been given. In the space of one breath you can change your complete physiology, mental state and mood.

  • breathPLAY has been used for thousands of years to conquer everything from sexual dysfunction to having a better acting performance ( maybe those are the same thing) and anywhere in between.

  • As you move through the world with experiences, bad habits, holding onto old patterns, beliefs and thoughts , along with chronic, rigid judgement, it can create patterns which not only render your breath weak and stagnant, but leave your life in a similar state. When you start to lose the function of the movement and power of the diaphragm you may also notice you start to lose the optimal function of other areas in your life- jobs and relationships… crazy how close your breath and life are tied together.

  • As we move though the massive play that is life, those lovely experiences along with what is taught to us and what happens can also cause us to form contexts for viewing our entire experience of the world.

ARE YOU STILL THERE, do you see how tapping back in to your breath could potentially help shift your entire game?

The past does not matter, only the conclusions we come to about it!”

SO, let’s go breathPLAY™

Now you understand the Power of breathPLAY™ imagine combining it with THE PURPOSE MASTERMIND or ACADEMY

PURPOSE (noun):
the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

a person's sense of resolve or determination.

verb (used with object),pur·posed,

to set as an aim, intention, or goal for intend; design.

picture of a compass in the woods showing that you need to find some direction in life and follow it with purpose

It’s one thing to have a powerful realization, integration, release energy pattern or look at a situation in a new way, but what do you do next?

This is where many modalities can run off the track they give a powerful experience, but leave a person left what to do next. How and where do I direct myself. What do I do with my knowledge.

“Even though we have a powerful experience or realization it is so easy to start to lie to ourselves again and easily get lost back in the woods.”

Ever have that happen? I sure as HELL did. I had read all the books, had all the knowledge, but my life still was way off track in so many areas. Many of the same issues. Bam! It hit me- I did not have anything in place to keep me on track, keep checking myself and systematically going after those goals. I could get easily blissed out but my bank account did not reflect how good I felt. I realized there was a lot of nuance and more layers to the onion.

YOU STILL NEED TO TAKE MASSIVE ACTION... knowledge is not enough.

That is where the PURPOSE was birthed. Stop lying, get real, get raw, figure out how I feel and then set the compass in the direction of what I actually want. It started by examining each area of my life. I would like you to meet the Pulse PURPOSE PARADGIMS

YOU= how you show up in the world, stories, thoughts, beliefs of self

YOUR BODY= fitness, health, what you fuel it with

YOUR BALANCE= relationships, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, family, friends.

YOUR BUSININESS= what you are producing, creating, contribution to the world, art, commerce

YOUR BEING= Your Spiritual LIFE, practice what you are into

Groups= The way you relate to groups/races, people outside your intimate circle of friends and family.

The WORLD= how you relate to our planet, species, animals

God the Universe, Creator.

Each of these areas effects the other. When one moves out of whack, when feelings around one is suppressed or we are not connecting into what is happening in each, it can start to turn off all the others. Life is the delicate play between all of these sectors. I don’t believe any absolute will ever be reached in any area and to me that is what makes life so incredible.

The journey.

combining the techniques of breathPLAY and the PURPOSE you will be able to

  • Learn how to stop lying to yourself- get real and raw about what you want!

  • Stop living a life of regret and shame because you have tons of knowledge, read all the books, but still could not get shit done

  • Turn the impossible games and goals, into tangible action in your relationships, body, spiritual life and bank account

  • Live the life of having it all

  • Recover faster from overwhelm

Many people, including yours truly, get stuck and years of life go by lying about what we want from our relationships, job or spiritual connection.

Much of what and how we operate is based on what was crammed into our brain, by others, your wacked out teacher, parents, colleges, and/or experiences our brain then built frames and contexts around to see the world in.

Now, maybe these things we were taught or our brain created were beneficial at one time or another. Maybe they helped get us through a tough situation or achieve a job we wanted.

We have sometimes lived so long responding to life in certain ways we forget what even makes us tick our why we respond the way we do.

More often than not these frames and contexts no longer serve us and in many cases and are holding us back.

Every notice how certain problems just keep reappearing in your life? You keep having the same arguments, the same issues appear no matter where you go?

How much more of your life do you want to live in a fog? Feeling lost? Not having that with which you have dreamed?

How much longer do you want to waste. Time is not coming back.

Life is now and always now.

You decide. More tv? More fatness, more struggling just to make $20 an hour?

I am not going to say you will not have struggle any longer or life is not going to throw crazy stuff at you. I know the last year of my life has been insane

I will say when you apply and practice the tools of breathPLAY and the PURPOSE. You will find the ability to show up in your power and bring the PURPOSE to it. You will start to find the the PLAY of life again.

The first step is to get real about where you are actually at in life. No BS.

Am I succeeding? Is this failing? Am I fat and out of shape? Then once you are crystal clear about where you are actually at then ask

How does that feel to continue this way?

  • lost opportunities

  • lost romance

  • lost relationships with kids

  • bad sex

  • tanking sales career

How much longer will you look in the mirror and not like what you see.

Maybe its all not that bad. Maybe you just want to learn to enjoy things a little more, have some fun again or sleep better at night.

Transformation is coming whether you like it or not.

You can transform into HELL or YOU can choose HEAVEN right now.

Decide: here are your options


Single 90 minute class available every Thursday at 6pm CST. You have access to a recording for 48 hours after to replay or if you miss the live.



4 live classes per month (all session are archived)

Plus access to our private community




4 breathPLAY sessions

(4) 50 min live coaching sessions

Hot seat work

Experiential challenges

Private community

Archived recordings



Single Session

39.00 per class


basic mastermind

4 sessions a month. 69.00/month

breathPLAY and PURPOSE MASTERMIND 333.00/month


Don’t like doing group things and want to fly solo? Be the lone wolf or wolf-ette? (we suggest getting community, but its your choice) You can always shoot a text for

one on ones

or you can do your own self led reboot with our

PURPOSE Academy course.

The Academy is a 40 day adventure into the desert (metaphorically). It will directly challenge every aspect of what you believe and feel about your body, relationships, spiritual life and business.

The Academy

is meant to be a self contained course: video modules, pdfs, challenges and experiential exercises you do to put into play what you are learning. We made this as a course you can do on your own. It can be done at your own pacing, but we recommend doing it as a 40 day challenge to completely transform you life.

  • Dive deep into limiting beliefs

  • Create new stories

  • Rebuild an action plan to get the life of having it all

  • Includes prerecorded breathPLAY sessions.

  • Tools and tactics to reset, reboot, and integrate your body and nervous system

  • Upgrade how you respond to life

  • Create more intimacy in your relationships

  • Free month of the mastermind, so you can attend some live sessions if you like

  • (NOTE mastermind subscription will continue unless you cancel)

  • Lifetime access

  • Access to our app, done in collaboration with WAKE UP Warrior containing a process called stacking (this is way better than therapy and alone is worth 10x more than the cost of the program)

  • Deep assessments on what is working and what is not working in your life

  • By the end you will completely clarify and create new targets for every aspect of your life

  • finally build a life you can be proud of


You can *if you apply even a fraction of what’s inside* transform your life. Academy investment is a one time $996.00. This includes 1 month of the mastermind which will continue unless cancelled. LAUNCHES MARCH 15th

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What does a breathPLAY session look like

Each session is 90 minutes. Combining movement, specifically cued Music combined with specific breathing patterns to help you tap deep into you ability to feel. It will assist in stepping in to and integrating stuck energy patterns. You are completely safe. Each session is recorded so if you miss the live version you can toon in for up to 48 hours. The sessions happen via zoom. Upon sign up you will receive a link to join. The live version happens every Thursday at 6pm CST. You will have access to the recording for 48 hours after. If you can not attend the session or recording that responsibility is on you. There are no refunds.

What is the differnece between breathPLAY MASTERMIND and the PURPOSE MASTERMIND

breathPLAY MASTERMIND gives you access to our community of like minded individuals and complete uncensored discussion of topics related to health, wellness and human performance. You will get four breathPLAY sessions each month. These sessions are recorded and posted in the replay section of the community.The PURPOSE MASTERMIND combines access to not only breathPLAY sessions, but also to our core four framework, goal setting technology and 4 purpose coaching sessions each month. These are group coaching sessions running 45 minutes to an hour. Each session includes check in, goal setting, hot seat work and wins to accept accountability. Each session focuses more on a certain aspect of the core 4. You will also have full access to the community and receive 10 percent off our PUROSE ACADEMY COURSE. All sessions are recorded an archived.

Is there a refund?

If you are feeling a little on the fence, which you should not be at this point (What you don’t want to be the best version of yourself?) start with a breathPLAY session. Get your feet wet. I personally would go all in on the Academy. It is the best bang for your investment. You get 40 days of training plus you can hop on live sessions and coaching. You get the free month of the mastermind... Your life will never be the same.

Read before breathPLAY

We are really excited for you to participate and get the absolute most out of your PULSE breathPLAY™ Session but if you suffer from any of the following you are strongly advised against participating: Epilepsy, Pregnancy, Detached Retina, Glaucoma, Strokes, seizures, TIA’s or other brain/neurological condition or disease with prior diagnosis by a health care profession of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, High blood pressure that is not controlled with meditation. If you have current diagnosis by health care professional of PTSD, we recommend you check with them first. Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including prior heart attack. Family history of aneurysms, Osteoporosis that is serious enough whereby moving around actively could cause optional issues. Use of prescription of blood thinning medications. Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis during the past 10 years. Any other medical or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release. We can offer some amazing meditations instead! by PURCHASING YOU AGREE TO PARTICPATE AT YOUR OWN FREE WILL AND ARE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE

What should I do? breathPLAY or the PURPOSE or the ACADEMY

If you are feeling a little on the fence, which you should not be at this point (What you don’t want to be the best version of yourself?) start with a breathPLAY session. Get your feet wet. I personally would go all in on the Academy. It is the best bang for your investment. You get 40 days of training plus you can hop on live sessions and coaching. You get the free month of the mastermind... Your life will never be the same.

All session are recorded.

breathPLAY is every Thursday at 6 CST. If you miss it do not worry. You can access the recording for 48 hours after the session. If you are a member of either mastermind or academy the sessions are archived, so you can access them at any time.